I want to especially thank Tompkins Sq. Park Gardener Deborah Hulse for sharing her knowledge of the trees and garden plants in the park, and for her everlasting encouragement and help for this project.
Thanks to Michael Lytle former Tompkins Sq. Park gardener for sharing his garden maps and wisdom about gardening.
Thank to the East Village Parks Conservancy for their inspirational map.
Thanks to Rebecca Kalin for letting me photograph her copy of a map drawn by Lorna McNeur in the Spring of 1981 for The Friends of Tompkins Square Park.
Thanks to Kaity (joujoubee on Flickr) for providing me with her copy of the Conservancy map.
Thanks to the Reddit and Flickr communities for their tree identification help.
Thanks to Sam Bishop of Trees New York for identification help.
Thanks to EV Grieve (The best neighborhood blog) for publicizing events.
And another especial thanks to my pal Wrybread, namer of Tompkins Trees and long-time supporter of my web presence.
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