Tompkins Square Park
Spikes for the Hawks
The remnants of last year’s nest and the new nest material the birds have been adding recently have been removed, and bird spikes have been added to the air conditioner that was last year’s Red Tailed Hawk’s nest on the Christodora.
Anyone with a Roof Overlooking Tompkins?
I’m offering a free Tompkins Trees map for anyone who can provide me with roof access overlooking the park. I’d like to do this soon, while the leaves are gone and the paths, buildings tree trunks are visible. This is a photo I took from a high balcony of the Cristodora building, during the party honoring Deborah Hulse, back in 2012. Unfortunately it was after sunset and I didn’t have my tripod, so the photos are a bit blurry. I need a high vantage from Avenues B and A, and 7th and 10th, somewhere I can hopefully place a tripod. This map is the same 17×23 inch map I am offering Please pass this on to anyone you know who may have access. They can contact me through the contact form on the website:
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